Legal Funding Australia

Our Products

We help fund disbursements incurred for personal injury claims

If you are currently commencing a Personal Injury claim and are finding it difficult to cover the ongoing legal costs, Legal Funding Australia can help finance your case with our range of Disbursement Funding Products.

We cover related disbursement costs for medical negligence, motor vehicle accidents, work injuries, Total Permanent Disablement (TPD), institutional abuse and other personal injury matters.

 Signature LoanAdvance LoanDirect LoanSimplicity Payment PlanShield Payment Plan
Product TypeDisbursement Funding LoanDisbursement Funding LoanDisbursement Funding LoanDaily Fee Payment PlanFixed Fee Payment Plan
Client Contract Requiredcheckcheckred crossred crossred cross
Interest Rate Basedcheckcheckcheckred crosscheck
Fee Basedcheckcheckred crosscheckred cross
Paid To Law Firm Trustcheckcheckred crossred crossred cross
Paid Direct To Providerred crossred crosscheckcheckcheck
loan products

Loan Products

Funding the disbursements incurred running personal injury claims.

payment plans

Payment Plans

Funding the disbursements incurred during your personal injury claim